a letter from our owner…

Dear Friends of The Baker House 1650, 
While the world is at a standstill, I would like to take this opportunity to write and update you as I hope both you and your families are well, and managing to cope during these very challenging times.
We have temporarily closed our doors in alignment with the governmental guidelines. However, while we were permitted to remain open, we felt it was necessary for us to take the time to thoroughly reevaluate how we may continue to provide a leading level of luxury accommodation with the utmost care and safety precautions being implemented. We are excited to say, that we will reopen on Friday, May 15th and are currently taking reservations (via phone and e-mail) for that date onward!
We have all been working tirelessly to implement safety measures for your stay with us, keeping you in the highest level of comfort even when you are not in your own home. A few of our adjustments include:

  • Increased hourly cleaning of all common areas by our masked and gloved staff

  • Automatic Dispensers for both Hand Sanitizer and Soap are located throughout the property

  • Safe-Distance dining and our touch-free brunch will still be served, daily

  • Your favorite local restaurant take-out and delivery can be safely enjoyed in our outdoor and indoor dining areas as well as guest room

  • All Kitchen Staff have completed and received the latest ServSave Certifications in food preparation and handling

  • The Baker Spa Aestheticians will comply with all COVID-19 Protocols 

  • Reduced paper and non-essential decor touch-points in the guest rooms

  • All rooms receive a double cleaning upon check out and through sanitizing with UV Wands  

  • Several room items that are sterilized will also covered and/or come pre-bagged for your comfort

  • An enhanced mini-bar menu will be provided with a combination of sweet to savory snacking for your delights

  • Our Honor Bar service has changed, including covered glass storage and secured spirits bottles

Additionally, should a guest feel they would be more comfortable using a mask or gloves, please ask our front desk staff and one will be provided for you during your stay. 

We are truly looking forward to a wonderful summer! Even with all of our new updates, The Baker charm and personality of the property remains unchanged. Our lush gardens have already begun to bloom and it's just a matter of days before our Wisteria buds turn into their beautiful vibrant purple. As always, we will do our very best to keep you updated on any local changes as well as continue to keep you safe during your stay.

We will be in touch soon with a variety of wonderful Hamptons Summer Experiences that we are curating for your enjoyment! 

Our staff and I wish you all continued health, and we thank you for your loyalty now and in the future!

Antonella Bertello


Welcome to June!


Stay in Comfort When You are Ready